The State Changers meeting discussed the challenges faced by one of the participants with a database structure that was initially structured through the Zendesk API and then migrated to Webflow. He proposed that he might need a multi-reference field for the articles and potentially a solution through Xano.
The participant presented two significant problems. The first was deciding on the best way to synchronize the data. The idea of creating an API where Zendesk data automatically populates Webflow was proposed. However, it seemed there would not be frequent updates to this help center area, therefore, a CSV import was suggested as a simpler solution. The second issue was how to set up the multi-reference by import without the need for manual input each time. The solution provided was to import the articles first, then input sections, and finally categories. Using the ID generated by each import, it would then be possible to make the connection for the multi-reference. Moreover, the participant was suggested to use the Webflow API for creating records and generating the required IDs instead of creating CSVs in Xano. The information gotten from the API calls could then be used in subsequent API calls, thereby reducing the work needed. The keywords mentioned in the transcript include Xano, Webflow, Zendesk API, and CSV. No mentions were made of WeWeb, FlutterFlow, Zapier, Make, Integromat, Outseta, Retool, Bubble, Adalo, AppGyver, AppSheet, Comnoco, Fastgen, Firebase, Google, OAuth, Stripe, Twilio, Airtable, DraftBit, Javascript, Typescript, React, Vue.js, JSX, HTML, CSS, lambda, serverless, State Change, ScriptTag, OpenAI, or AI21.
(Source: Office Hours 12/1 )
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