Understanding User Authentication in Xano

In this meeting, the participants discussed how the authentication process works in Xano. They went over the login endpoint and explained that after a user logs in, Xano generates an authentication token that is stored in local storage. This token is then added to the authorization header for subsequent authenticated requests.

The participants also discussed the "authMe" endpoint, which retrieves information about the logged-in user. The authentication token passed in the header is cryptographically signed and encrypted, and it contains the user's ID. This allows Xano to identify the user making the request. One participant had a question about whether the authentication token needs to be passed in every request. The answer was that if the authentication token is included in the header, Xano can identify the user automatically based on that token, without the need for any additional variables. Another participant mentioned a function that submits forms to Xano and clarified that the authentication token is already included in the form headers, so there's no additional action needed to identify the user. Towards the end of the meeting, one participant mentioned a display issue that they had solved and wanted to schedule a separate discussion about a script tag. They also shared their screen to present the issue they had encountered. Overall, the meeting focused on clarifying the authentication process in Xano and addressing any questions or concerns regarding its implementation.

(Source: Office Hours 3/23 )

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