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Office Hours, Coaching and Tools to Solve the Hardest 5% of Your Journey

We've helped hundreds of builders ship their product and become better technologists. You can do this - with a little help.

A Letter From Ray

“I was stuck for days!”

I hear that all the time. No-code was pitched as making software development easy. But really the tools make the easy parts trivial, many of the hard parts are just work, and the previously impossible seems just within our grasp. So - surprisingly - we spend a lot of time on the hard parts.

But these hard parts require choices and clarity that are not easy to find. Lots of tutorial out there are about general use cases, but your situation isn’t general - it’s very specific to your business. That means both you have special challenges, and you don’t have to do things the general way.

I’ve been in technology building software startups and teams for 25 years. I started as a data scientist, and worked through high finance, management consulting and into multiple software startups I founded.

I’ve been a no-coder before that was a term, because my model for building software was to use the tools that would cut away more of the work, hiring people who had nontraditional backgrounds, and building a mental model for creating remarkable software in a short period of time.

This new generation of “high” low-code/no-code tools (Xano, Weweb, Flutterflow, Wized…) allows us to make even more remarkable software faster. In the past few years I’ve helped massive corporations make big differences in their operations and marketing using these tools.

I also contribute to the emerging community of no-code builders. I’ve helped thousands of builders with their challenges via product forums (e.g. Xano and Weweb, where I am a top contributor), office hours, and the State Change Youtube channel.

I started State Change to help builders become technologists. No-code/low-code means many people can create and know that they should. This entitlement over technology can unlock so many possibilities - with a little bit of help to think more like a product engineer. That help is why State Change exists.

Everyone has a hardest 5%. State Change is here to help you crack yours, and gain control over more of them.

Our recorded office hours (see below for the schedule of upcoming events!) start with your immediate problem and crack it often within minutes. The feeling of that problem that has held you up for days no longer blocking you is. a real catharsis.

But there’s a bigger opportunity for you.

We use the segments to illustrate lessons about the State Change mental model for building product with speed. The mental model lives at the edge between engineering and business expertise. These patterns of thought are useful for both business experts and technical experts, because it’s about bringing the best of both to the fore. And the tools you’ve chosen to use - low code, no-code, AI-supported smashcode - make that model even higher return.

We record our office hours so you can lift solutions from others. These are both searchable and browsable. Many of our members treat our recordings as their version of youtube - second-screening to learn both solutions and the mental model principles that let them become better developers.

The private State Change forum is a great place to get more answers faster.

We have a couple different flavors at State Change.

If you’re relatively new, I recommend checking out State Change Starter. This gives you access to office hours for people like you, newer to the world of building meaningful products with no-code/low-code tools. We have multiple office hours per week and forums specifically for problems like yours. We specialize in problems with Xano, Weweb, Wized, and Flutterflow, though other questions come up too.

You get access to all the recordings from these sessions as well as the ability to watch and read videos and forums for more advanced questions, so you can see the full context. Starter members include founders and agencies onboarding to these advanced no-code tools. Our motto is “everyone has a hardest 5%”

If you are more expert and looking for advanced help, check out State Change Pro. We have office hours that are specifically for your category of hard problems. We bring more code, more sophistication. Pro members include founders deep in their journey and agencies that build for different clients. We help each other and pro members are often helping Starter members with their problems. Here is where you find the leading edge of what we can build together.

If you join State Change, you will:
- Solve problems - faster than you ever thought possible
Ship the products you have in your head
- Learn to think like a
- Learn to think like a
product owner

I’m looking for serious builders who want to make remarkable software, and become remarkable developers. We call our members State Changers because that’s what we are doing. And I’m doing it right along with you. We all teach each other.

And I can’t wait to learn with you.

Ray Deck
State Change


Exclusive Office Hours and Events

Always an opportunity to learn, grow, and get unstuck.

Note: we usually schedule office hours about a week in advance

Who We Do It For

A Few Words from Our Members (see more)

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Ray's superpower is clarity. He always lifts the conversation from the immediate problem to the bigger issue or concept. I learn every time I talk with him. His State Change community does this at scale - an easy recommend to every Xano customer.
Prakash ChandranCEO @ Xano

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Why State Change Works

The key to State Change's success helping people with their hardest problems is a mental model that proritizes asking questions and applying disciplines that have repeatedly helped break logjams and forge successful projects.

This mental model is the most valuable asset our members gain through their participation. We keep hearing that State Change is more like school than a fix-it program. And the best schools help us learn how to think.

Join us, and you will think like a technologist.

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My first purchase as a no code would always be statechange.ai @ray_deck has solved THE most painful problem in no code that one thing you just can't figure out but it would all work if you did highly recommend @StateChangeAI for @nocodebackend devs

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