Exploring Centralized and Diffused Strategies in Data Handling Using FlutterFlow and JavaScript

This meeting discussion between the State Changers revolved around front end development technologies, specifically focusing on JavaScript and FlutterFlow and how to optimally handle data.

Key points discussed include: 1. The State Changers began by discussing their progress with local storage parsing. 2. They took a deep dive into understanding the difference between making an API call on page load, saving it into an app state versus doing a back-end query and relating it directly to a component. 3. They deliberated on issues such as managing multiple back-end queries, potentially causing traffic jams and dealing with timing issues for page components. 4. They talked about the idea of using a 'Relay' approach, which involves calling the API, saving it to a variable, and then exposing that variable to the component. This approach helps in centralizing the data for easy expression and usage. 5. They tackled handling components' loading states, where certain components should be displayed only when the data is ready, known as conditional display. 6. They discussed the concept of 'Skeleton State' while loading data, which includes using a loader component or spinner for better user experience until the data is ready. 7. They acknowledged that choosing between a centralized source of truth and diffuse sources depending on specific needs and problem contexts is a perfectly reasonable solution. The meeting ended with anticipation for the upcoming discussion on ReactOS and a glimpse into how the tool 'ScriptTag' was developed. Keywords mentioned include: JavaScript, FlutterFlow, API, and ScriptTag.

(Source: Office Hours 5/23 )

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