Strategies for Optimizing Page Load Times: Investigating Xano's API calls & WeWeb's Functionality

The State Changers in the meeting discussed optimizing page load times by understanding the network tab in the browser tools. They specifically operated within a Xano environment and their goal was to reduce delay. They identified that browser generally fetches HTML, some icon packs, and then API calls to Xano. These processes take up time and the objective was understanding which part takes longer and needs optimization.

The participants used the inspector tool to identify components that are taking longer to load, recognizing that these elements bottleneck the overall load time. They made the observation that the browser executes roughly six requests at a time, meaning handling too many requests at once could slow the process. The State Changers explored specific delays and discovered the Xano-side processing took more than half a second. Therefore, they concluded that such tasks are potential areas for optimization. One strategy considered to improve load times was introducing optimistic caching on the Xano side. Another was to ensure the correct sizing of images in WeWeb to facilitate faster loading. Additionally, they discussed the possibility of self-hosting for better site performance. They believe serving data from a location closer to the majority of users could improve site latency— for example, if most users are UK-based, one might consider serving data out of London. The meeting was valuable for anyone interested in website optimization and especially useful to those working with Xano and WeWeb or facing similar challenges in their projects.

(Source: Office Hours 10/27/2023 )

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