Understanding the Usage and Importance of Async Await in Javascript

The meeting is between two State Changers discussing main insights into JavaScript code execution and async await syntax. The conversation revolves around the topic of how JavaScript functions, particularly highlighting how it operates as a single-threaded language, which execution is marked by 'white space' - terms referring to periods when the browser is not executing any JavaScript code, allowing the user to interact with the page. This 'whitespace' is crucial for ensuring a smooth user experience.

A significant part of the discussion pivoted around the async await function in JavaScript. The async function creates code and at some point in the future, it makes a promise that it will return back something and continue with the next block of code. This is often used in networking situations, where JavaScript needs to fetch information from a server and doesn't want to block the user's interaction with the page during that process. Furthermore, 'window load' and 'document load' events in JavaScript were analyzed. The 'window load' event fires after the entire window, including all dependent resources like stylesheets and images, have finished loading. It is a specific event with rules about when it fires, often related to dealing with timing issues for application runs. The discussion ended by considering how geographical location can affect the timing of JavaScript code execution due to the speed of light being a constant factor impacting the loading of different data centers. The team acknowledged the importance of this understanding for effectively deploying JavaScript applications. Keywords mentioned in the meeting include JavaScript, async await, timing issues, event listener, and window load. No other keywords from the provided list were mentioned during the meeting.

(Source: Deep Dive Javascript For Low Code Part 2 8/18/2023 )

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